Written by Snipe Antreater
Narraitor: It's a peaceful day at Red Alert HQ. The birds are singing, the sun is shining, and everything is nice and quiet...
Flame Hyenard: *off-key* Deck the halls with balls of holly! Fa la la la la, la la la la!
Narraitor: Never mind...
Vanish Gungaroo: d**nit, Anubis! Do you have to be so loud?
Flame Hyenard: Hey, 'tis the season to be jolly! Cut me some slack!
Tornado Tonion: *spins a dreidel* Cool it, both of you. *gets a gimmal* Yes!
Ride Boarski: *sighs* I'll never get used to this game.
Tornado Tonion: It just takes a little practice.
Snipe Anteater: Alright, everyone! Listen up! *everyone drops what they're doing* I've got some good news.
Wind Crowang: We're opening our presants early?
Snipe Anteater: No...
Flame Hyenard: We're going to deck more halls with-
Snipe Anteater: *interrupting Hyenard* No...
Ride Boarski: Oh, oh! I know! I joined the team!
Snipe Anteater: THAT WAS IN OUR LAST EPILOUGE! Oy vey! *tries to regain composure*
Tornado Tonion: So, what's the good news?
Snipe Anteater: We have a new addition to our team! Call it Nathan's early Christmas presant.
Vanish Gungaroo: Great, another gross, disgusting, rude-
*Splash Warfly walks in with Flames Delvar*
Splash Warfly: I'd like you all to meet our new Soldier Stonekong, Ms. Flames Delvar!
Delvar: Hiya, all! ^^
Vanish Gungaroo: Oh, a girl... *sweat drop* Never mind then...
Delvar: Where should I change into my Soldier Stonekong
Splash Warfly: Allow me to show you.
Vanish Gungaroo: *under her breath* Pervert...
Splash Warfly: Pardon?
Vanish Gungaroo: Never mind.
Splash Warfly: *shrugs*
Snipe Anteater: Anyway, time for some more news. To celebrate our new addition, I'm going to give the team my presant early.
Tornado Tonion: What would that be?
Snipe Anteater: *starts humming a little tune*
Tornado Tonion: You're kidding! How did you get reservations?
Soldier Stonekong: *coming out of the changing room* What do you mean?
Tornado Tonion: We're going to Alice's Resterant!
Snipe Anteater: And that's not all! I've also invited the C:IA to hang with us!
Splash Warfly: Does Rebel know about this?
Snipe Anteater: I could have sworn I sent him that card...
Flame Hyenard: Oh, that was a card? I thought it was a star for the tree...
Snipe Anteater: *eye twitches*
Flame Hyenard: Crap...
Snipe Anteater: *while chasing Hyenard* I'LL FREAKING KILL YOU!
Wind Crowang: Morons. *nabs the card off of the tree and mails it*
Snipe Anteater: *while strangling Hyenard* Thanks, Greyring. *releses Hyenard*
Soldier Stonekong: Is it always like this?
Splash Warfly: No, not always.
Snipe Anteater: Yeah, I just got wound up a bit.
Flame Hyenard: Wound up? You snapped!
Soldier Stonekong: What kind of food does Alice's Resterant have anyway?
Tornado Tonion: Oh no...
Snipe Anteater: You mean you don't know? Alright, I'll tell you.
Tornado Tonion: Here it comes...
Snipe Anteater: *singing* You can get anything you want, at Alices Resterant (excepting Alice).
You can get anything
you want, at Alice's Resterant.
Walk right in, it's around the back,
Just a half a mile from the railroad track,
can get anything you want, at Alice's Resterant.
Everyone except Tonion: 0_0
Soldier Stonekong: You have to admit, he does have a good voice.
Tornado Tonion: Yeah, but that song is so annoying!
Snipe Anteater: Hey, this song is keeping me out of Sigma's draft! *cue flashback*
Vile: Mr. Anteater, you're next.
Snipe Anteater: *walks in, and sits down* Vile... *sings* You can get anything you want at Alice's Resterant. *gets up and
walks out*
Vile: Clearly insane. We shouldn't take him. Next! *end flashback*
Tornado Tonion: Point taken.
*ding dong*
Ride Boarski: I'll get it. *opens the door to reviel the C:IA*
Magna Centipiede: Hi, guys. We got your invitation.
Snipe Anteater: That was quick...
Narraitor: Holy jalopeņos! The first cross-over of Red Alert and the C:IA? I hope this ends well. Will it, or will the authors
mess up so much that-
Snipe Anteater: Hey, I don't pay you to insult me and Rebel!
Narraitor: Um... you don't really pay me at all...
Snipe Anteater: Oh, forget it! *walks away*
Narraitor: *ahem* Anyway, back to the story...
writen by Rebel:
Snipe Anteater: So... before we all go... what's up with you guys?
Magna Centipede: Oh, you know. The usual. Stuff.
Snipe: Like...?
Bubble Crab: I farted and blew up the house!
Red Alert: ...
Wheel Gator: Funny on how radioactive kittens are so sensitive to stuff like that.
Flame Hyenard: NOOO NOT THE KITTY!! *cries*
Magna: ...Thought my team had problems.
Morph Moth: Rebel, you shouldn't even start trying to make yourself look sane.
Magna: *Hisses*
Snipe: Oh, who the heck cares anymore? Let's go!
Flame Stag: Where were we going again?
Snipe: Why, we were going to go to... *lights shine on him*
You can get anything you--
Tornado Tonion: No!! Stop that! No more singing!
Snipe: But--
Everyone: NO MORE.
Snipe: Hmph. Fine. You guys don't know what you're missing, though.
Vanishing Gungaroo: Will you guys just hurry it up already?! I swear!
Bubble: I CALL SHOTGUN!! *runs into a wall*
Moth: *Picks up Crab and sighs* I take it you've all got your own uber-cool vehicle?
Ride Boarski: *Giggles*
Moth: ...I take it you want to ride with us?
Splash Warfly: Please and thank you.
Ride: Aw...
*And so Red Alert join the Island Attackers in there gangsta ghetto bus of oxymorons and ride off to Alice's
Resturaunt. When they finally get there...*
Flame: Now what do we do?
Overdrive Ostrich: Um... we enter through the front door?
Snipe: That's stupid. When it comes to Alice's Resteraunt... Oh, Alice's Resturaunt... *lights shine*
Tornado: PLEASE STOP IT!!!
Snipe: ...Right. When you're as famous as me when it comes to this resturaunt, you go and sneak in through the back window,
located on the twenty-third floor.
Soldier Stonekong: There are only two floors.
Snipe: They're invisible!
Wind Crowrang: I can fly, but not even I am going to attempt in seeing if you are correct.
Moth: Same.
Splash: What he said.
S nipe: But I'm the leader. T_T
Magna: Boy, you guys better be glad that I'm not the leader, then. If I got that kind of defiancy, you'd all get one thousand
lashes! Mwahahahahahah!!
Moth: And just who would do the lashings, Rebel?
Magna: Oh, I'd just bribe Majin with some beer...
Magna: Exactly!
Red Alert: *Shudders*
Snipe: C'mon guys, let's go with my plan! After all, Rebel completely agrees with me. Don't you, Rebel?
Magna: Yep. After all, it is located on page 1463, paragraph 2, sentence 4, of the Megaman Team Leaders Rule Booklet... "All
team members shall listen to their leader, no matter how stupid, retarded, and/or completely insane his/her plan may sound."
Moth: Ugh... I should have thrown that book away.
Magna: Well you DIDN'T. So there for we are following HIS PLAN. Because I SAID so. So let's GO.
*And so the three flyers
of the two teams (Moth, Wind, and Splash) all take off to the skies, while Magna simply walks up the side of the steel building.
Everyone else finds that they must climb up the hard way.*
Outlaw: *Biting ledges into the wall* Oh come on, it isn't that bad.
Tornado: *falls and hits Outlaw, sending them both to the bottom*
Bubble: Yay, falling! *falls*
Crystal Snail: *Still trying to climb* Man... I should have taken the stairs... *falls asleep and hits Hyenard*
Hyenard: *Falls and hits Overdrive*
Overdrive: *Falls into a manhole* Help?
*After many hours of grueling torture, the two teams finally manage to make
it the rooftop*
Snipe: And we're here!
Magna: Arr, that we be, me mate.
Crowrang: That's great and all, but where exactly is the entrance.
Snipe: Oh, you big silly. It's obvious we blow a hole through the roof to snag the delicious food of Alice's Resturaunt.
(save Magna): What?!
Snipe: Oh, come on! It's all a part of my plan! Right, Rebel?
Magna: *Nods furiously*
Moth: This is ridiculous. Rules or not, we are not doing this. I mean, who in their right mind
would actually want to--
Wheel: Me.
Moth: Shut up. Besides, no has any powers to blow stuff up--
Magna: I do.
Moth: No you don't. Now be quiet.
Wire: *Whips Moth*
Moth: Ow, hey! What was that for?
Magna: *Blows a hole open* C'mon, let's get going! LET'S EAT EAT EAT!!
Narrator: And so, the Island Attackers and the Red Alert start their havoc on poor Alice's Resturaunt. Just what will happen
next? Will they get fed? And what about me? Is the narrator always going to get some half-bit job?! TELL ME!!! *gets looked
at* Er, and what about Overdrive, who is still stuck in a manhole?
Overdrive: I can't feel my legs.
Narrator: Find out out next time... Wait, that next time is now! Nevermind...
Writen by Outlaw:
Narrator: So yeah where was I? I don't think we're even close to the script. Screw it, let's just keep going!
Snipe: Yeah!
Narrator: Once inside Alice's Restaurant they find that it is empty and looks like it has been closed for many years.
Tornado: We nearly broke our necks to come to this dump?! I thought you said it was the best place ever?
Moth: I agree this is the stupidest thing ever.
Snipe: Hahaha relax guys. Have we ever steered you wrong?
Magna: Don't answer that or it will be lashes for everyone!
Snipe: Food this good isn't just given to anyone! This is just a cover; the real Alice's is further in.
Splash: Doesn't that seem kind of stupid to have a business hidden then? How would they make money?
Magna: Oh you just don't get how sophisticated this is. See having it hidden like this will keep the rabies hobo away.
Crowrang: The what?
Flame: Don't ask. The less you know the better. *Outside*
Overdrive: HEEEEEELLLLPPP! Strange Hobo: ohhhohhhohhh a talking manhole. You be my new pet.
Overdrive: GET ME OUT OF HERE!!!! *Inside*
Stonekong: *Hears Overdrive scream like a little girl* Hold on a sec. *Goes out and rips up the srtee and grabs
Overdrive and brings him back in*
Overdrive: Thank you thank you thank you!
Magna: Right, now that everyone is here, it's time to get that food!
Moth: How about we just go somewhere else?
Gungaroo: I'd be cool with that.
Wheel: I say we keep going. After all it says right here in the *Snatches the book from Magna, flips to the back of the book
and turns around for a minute* the last page that "Any mission involving food is a good mission?"
Moth: Let me see that. You wrote this in crayon!
Snipe: And a fine rule it is! Onward!
Crab: Yay uncertian doom
Written By Snipe Anteater
Snipe Anteater: Here's our table...
Tornado Tonion: Wait, something's wrong...
*at the table, another Snipe Anteater and another Magna Centipied are sitting
Snipe Anteater 2: Hey, guys! Why did you go over the cliff when the easier way is around the back?
Tornado Tonion: Le huh?
Snipe Anteater 1: d**n, they blew our cover.
Flame Stag: What cover?
Magna Centipiede 1: Uh, nothing!
Magna Centipiede 2: Hey, Delvar! I didn't know you were Soldier Stonekong! Sergal from Cossack's Comrads told me all about
Soldier Stonekong: He did? Oh my... *blushes*
Magna Centipiede 1: Wait, what's Cossack's Comrads again?
Splash Warfly: Hold on, these two are fakers! No wonder they made us suffer!
Morph Moth: Gee, you found that out without using your detective kit.
Snipe Anteater 2: Let's see who our fakers are.
*Snipe Anteater 1 and Magna Centipiede 1 turn out to be Serges and
Quint X*
Snipe Anteater: Son of a pregnant dog!
Magna Centipiede: Son of a pregnant dog!
Wheel Gator: Son of a pregnant dog!
Quint X: That's right, fools! If the cliff didn't kill you, we were going to right here! You fell for it hook, line, and stinker!
Serges: Violen, Agile! We've got work to you.
Violen: Yes, sir!
Agile: Yes, sir!
Quint X: And, this was my briliant plan.
Serges: Our briliant plan, you mean.
Bubble Crab: Yay! Time to rock and roll!
Overdrive Ostrich: *runs up panting* Wait for me! *runs into Agile*
Agile: Ow! You little...
Quint X: Jobin! Let's do this. *takes out his Sakugarne*
Snipe Anteater: Wait, you're pogo stick is named Jobin? Why?
Quint X: Because Sakugarne doesn't really sound good in conversation.
Jobin: Just ignore him. That's what I do.
Snipe Anteater: Well, I guess our new gal could use some target practice.
Magna Centipiede: *leers* I never knew that you would stoop so low...
Quint X: Enough with the babbling! Let's fight!
Jobin: Not in my ear...
Writen by Rebel:
Stone: *pulls out her massive sword* Yes, let's!
Morph: This is beyond all reasoning...
Splash: Who the heck cares at this point?
Morph: Fans...
Magna: *whacks Moth* Shut your trap, Void! We've got work to do! CIA... ATTACK!!!
Snipe: Yeah! Go Red Alert!
X-Hunters, Quint X and Jabon: *charges* YAH!!!
Mr. Referee: *wearing a waiters outfit* STOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOP!!!
Everyone: Huh?
Mr. Referee: I am Mr. Referee, and I hearby declare the rules!
Violen: Rules?
Mr. Referee: Listen well! Only one fighter from each opposing side shall represent his or hers group! The two combatants shall
then fight until one of them is no longer capable of continuing on! The winner shall then receive a free $1,000 coupon to
Alice's Resteraunt, and the loser shall sit in a corner and cry! Are there any objections?
Wheel: *Raises a hand*
Mr. Referee: Yes?
Wheel: Will there be any food served during this fight?
Mr. Referee: There is a buffet.
Wheel: Sweet. *runs off*
Mr. Referee: Now, who shall fight! Choose quickly, for I have a manicure in an hour.
*And so the two sides go into
heavy debate*
Hyenard: So, who shall it be?
Magna: In the power vested in me, I hearby declare I, Rebel40000... shall definitely not participate.
Bubble: Yay!
Gungaroo: Ugh, you are so shallow.
Magna: Pfft, Outlaw had the right idea when he flew the coop.
Crowrang: Well, I'll have you all know that I would be glad to put my life on the line to protect the honor of both Red Alert
and the CIA.
Tornado: Why, Greyring, that is the most--
Magna: LIAR.
Tornado: Rebel!
Moth: *Drags a screaming Magna away*
Snipe: As much as I appreciate Crowrang's offer, I do not want any casualties among the Red Alert. Of course, I suppose I
couldn't say the same for the CIA, now could I?
Wire: YAYZ.
Mr. Referee: Time is running out!
Gungaroo: We need to choose, fast!
Crystal: Zzz... You... you can get... anything...
Snipe: *A light shines on him*
Everyone: WE CHOOSE HIM!!
Mr. Referee: Excellent! The ugly bunch in the corner have chosen Jabon.
Snipe: ...Just Jabon?
Jabon: *On the ground* 'Sup.
Quint X: Fear the power of Jabon!
Wheel: *At a table full of junk* YOU CAN DO IT!! *whistles*
Mr. Referee: Fighters all set? ROLL BATTLE!!
Snipe: Hah, it's only Jabon. What harm could there possibly be?
Jabon: *Blows up*
Snipe: !@#$. *gets sent flying* AAHHHHHHHHHHHHH SAVE ME!!! *hits a bus boy*
Bus Boy: Tip?
Snipe: Burn in Hell.
Quint X: No, Jabon! *grabs Jabon's remains* What happened to you? Where did I go wrong?!
Mr. Referee: Since Jabon has been destroyed and Snipe Anteater has clearly been thrown out of the boundary limit, that makes
this match a tie! Therefore, everyone shall sit in the corner and cry!
Magna: ...But what about the free coupon?
Mr. Referee: I suppose I'll keep it. *prances off*
Narrator: And so a diabolical battle had just ended, and the REFEREE of all people won. What shall happen next? Oooh, my skin
tingles with excitement as I reveal it all to you now..
Writen by Outlaw:
Serges: Ooookaaaaaay, that was a tad strange.
QuintX: *Sobbing*
Violen: And I thought I had problems.
Agile: Forget about him for now guys, it's time to break out the big guns! *The X-Hunters get into full battle
mode, with Agile all hyped up this time with two swords, Serges on his platform with additional firepower and Violen having
all guns and weapons ready*
Moth: This is new.
Magna: *At the buffet with Gator* It's nothing we, we as in the rest of you, can't handle.
Splash: Gee thanks for the support.
Snipe: *Runs over to the buffet too* Save me some!!!! Wow, Gator not only ate what's on this table, but now he's eating the
table itself! Good thing there are so many tables left.
Stone: Don't you ever get full?
Gator: Nope. I'm a certified eating machine. I have a plaque to prove it. *Shows them his left arm*
Hyenard: That's a tattoo of Spider-Man!
Gator: Whoop, wrong arm. Heh funny story bout that tat, me and Majin went out and got real drunk and got them. I have the
better since he got a Hello Kitty tat on his butt.
Majin: Hehehehe..I did what now?!
Gungaroo: All this talk is starting to hurt my head, I'm gonna go eat now.
Serges: Aren't you forgetting about us? *The X-Hunters blast all the remaining buffet tables. Magna, Snipe, Gator
and all the rest who had been going over for food have now become furious*
Magna: C:IA!
Snipe: Red Alert!
/ Magna/Snipe: KICK THEIR ASS!!!!!!!!
Writen by Snipe Anteater:
S oldier Stonekong: Let me handle this. I'm not going to let this Holiday celebration be ruined by these jerk-offs!
Quint X: *with sarcasm* Oh, the n00bish girl is going to kill us! I'm so scared!
Serges: Yeah, what are you going to do? Ask us to die?
*Soldier Stonekong's sword starts to glow*
Magna Centipiede: I don't think Soldier Stonekong was able to do that in the game...
Splash Warfly: He wasn't. Delvar's just a big fan of the Legend of Zelda.
Magna Centipiede: Oh.
Soldier Stonekong: Eat this! *preforms Link's Spin Attack, knocking all of her attackers back*
Quint X: Ow...
Serges: Hey, my buster's damaged!
Agile: So is my sword!
Violen: I don't know how she's doing it, but I think she's god-modding!
Splash Warfly: Oh, did I forget to mention that she's friends with Odin?
Morph Moth: So I see. 0_0
Snipe Anteater: Good catch there, Warfly. She's a keeper.
Magna Centipiede: I so envy you.
*suddenly, Deku nuts begin to fall from the ceiling*
Violen: Ah! My mechanized armour! It can't move!
Quint X: Ow ow ow ow ow ow ow!
Serges: Men, retreat!
Quint X: So much for your briliant plan!
Serges: Hey, you were the one that screwed up!
*the two continue to argue as they run out of the resterant*
Snipe Anteater: Nice work, Stonekong. Well, now that we got those idiots out of the way, let's eat!
*at their table*
Tornado Tonion: Wait, why is it that they hand out computer card menus?
Snipe Anteater: Because if they handed out regular menus, they would be 10000 pages thick.
Everyone except Anteater:
Snipe Anteater: I told you that you could get anything you want. Hey, Alice! Latkas and roasted chestnuts all around! We're
going to have a holiday feat like you've never seen before!
Writen by Outlaw:
*Suddnely, a holiday bomb
drops from the cieling*
Snail: Crap crap crap!
Tornado: Look at the size of it! It's huge!
Splash: I could try to douse it with some water.
Crab: I can shoot bubbles at it too.
Magna: *hiding behind Moth* Do something! *Just then Inspector Gadget shows up*
Gadget: Not to worry this is a special "holiday bomb"? Everyone: A what?
Gadget: Just watch. *The bomb blows up, but instead of firey death, it shoots out snow and confetti and who should
appear out of all that mess? Why good old ST. Nick of course, flanked by the Hebrew Hammer*
Gungaroo: Santa?
Santa: Ho Ho Ho! Merry Christmas!
Hebrew Hammer: And Happy Chanukah!
Moth: What are you guys doing here?
Crowrang: To give us presents?
Santa: Hell no, we're here to eat of course!
Hammer: Alice has the best food in the world.
Snipe: Of course she does. Yoooooooo *Gets tackled by everybody in the room*
Magna: So... um... We get presents this year right?
Majin: Did you get the letter I sent?
Santa: Yes and yes, though it was hard to read. You should really try to write when you are sober.
Gator: Like that happens often.
Flame: *Humming Inspector Gadget theme song*
Tornado: Why are you both together?
Hammer: Well for one we are good friends. Secondly, this year for whatever reason the first day of Chanukah is on Christmas
Santa: And we have Gadget here as a guard this year because we are in danger. Someone is trying to steal Christmas and all
other holidays.
Snipe: NO! Who would do such a horrible thing?!
Gator: The Grinch maybe?
Gadget: Worse than him, far worse.
Moth: Oh no. It can't be!
Stone: What? Who?
Hammer: Trump. Everyone *Especially Crab*:NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!
Writen by
Snipe Anteater:
Tornado Tonion: Wait, is that true?
Trump: *walks in* You two weren't supposed to tell them! You're both fired!
Overdrive Ostrich: But you can't fire them, they're the symbols of the Holiday season!
Trump: Just for that, the lot of you are getting hanged!
*nooses hang down from the rafters*
Trump: Who's first?
Snipe Anteater: *raises hand* Hi. I don't know how this whole "hanging" buisness works.
Trump: What do you mean you don't know? Alright, fine. Just mimic me.
Snipe Anteater: *shrugs* Alright then.
Trump: First, you stand here like this...
Snipe Anteater: Stand here like this... *mimics Trump*
Trump: And then, you put your head into the noose. *does so*
Snipe Anteater: Pull the rope. *does so*
Trump: *half choking* Hey, no fair! You cheated!
Snipe Anteater: Mr. Trump, the Master of Mind Games never cheats. I only observe and deduce. *turns to Magna Centipiede*
Rebel, he's all yours.
Santa: So, we're not fired anymore?
Wheel Gator: No.
Hebrew Hammer and Santa: WHOO HOO!
Writen by Outlaw:
*Santa and the Hebrew Hammer then
get in Santa's pimped out ride and take off into the night*
Moth: There they go I hope everything turns out ok. You know, like no one fires any missiles at them.
Magna: There you go again bringing everyone down! Geeze, what are you? Strong Sad?
Snipe: *Drinking Eggnog* I'd say this little get together was a big hit.
Tornado: I'm just glad we got out of all this relatively unharmed
Crab: What about the presents?!
Crowrang: I wonder if I got that hotwheel set I wanted?
Stone: I guess it's time to go.
Majin: Elves scare me.
Gator: I just remembered what we needed to do!
Snail: Whazzzzat?
Gungaroo; It isn't anything painful is it?
Flame: Or gross right?
Gator: Nope. It's time to end this thing with a big group shout out to all our peeps! Snipe/Magna: Oh yeah! C:IA/Red
Crab: YAY! The End